
nuxt/i18n v7 routing.

@nuxtjs/i18n overrides Nuxt default routes to add locale prefixes to every URL (except in no_prefix strategy). Say your app supports two languages: French and English as the default language, and you have the following pages in your project:

├── index.vue
├── about.vue

This would result in the following routes being generated

    path: '/',
    component: _3237362a,
    name: 'index___en'
    path: '/fr/',
    component: _3237362a,
    name: 'index___fr'
    path: '/about',
    component: _71a6ebb4,
    name: 'about___en'
    path: '/fr/about',
    component: _71a6ebb4,
    name: 'about___fr'

Note that routes for the English version do not have any prefix because it is the default language, see strategies for more details.